Joseph Deniker

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Joseph Deniker

Joseph Deniker (born March 6, 1852 in Astrakhan , † March 18, 1918 in Paris ) was a Russian-French anthropologist and racial theorist .


According to Clemens Stock, Deniker is said to have used the expression " Nordic race " for the first time in his main text Les races et les peuples de la terre , although this topos was then adopted by other racial theorists such as Hans FK Günther . However, Deniker took over the expression from the Viennese high school teacher Karl Penka, who coined it about 15 years before, which Deniker also referred to in his text Les races .

Publications (selection)

  • Recherches anatomiques et embryologiques sur les singes anthropoides. 1886.
  • Etude sur les Kalmouks. 1883.
  • Les Ghiliaks. 1883.
  • Les races et les peuples de la terre. 1900.


Individual evidence

  1. Clemens Augustinus Stock: "... to incorporate the beautiful and the good in the human race". Hans FK Günther's book “ Plato as Guardian of Life”. Work criticism and historical classification . Dissertation at the Institute for the History of Medicine, Düsseldorf 2004, DNB 97100725X .
  2. ^ Horst Seidler , Andreas Rett : Rassenhygiene. A path to National Socialism. Vienna 1988.