Joshua Benoliel

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Joshua Benoliel (around 1909)

Joshua Benoliel (born January 13, 1873 in Lisbon , † February 3, 1932 ibid) was a British photojournalist.


Benoliel was born to the Jewish merchants Judah Benoliel and Esther Levy from Gibraltar . He began his professional career as a photo journalist for the sports magazine Tiro e Sport and later worked mainly for the daily newspaper O Século and its supplement Ilustração Portuguesa . He was also a correspondent for the Spanish newspaper ABC and the French magazine L'Illustration . King Carlos I made him his official photographer.

With his recordings of events such as the fall of the monarchy, the monarchist uprisings in the first years of the republic and the Portuguese army that fought in Flanders during the First World War, Benoliel became one of the most important chroniclers of Portuguese history in the first decades of the 20th century. Century.


  • Arquivo Grafico da Vida Portuguesa: 1903 - 1918: História da Vida Nacional em Todos os seus Aspectos, de 1903 a 1918 . - Lisbon: Bertrand, 1933, 6 volumes


  • José Maria Abecassis: Genealogia Hebraica: Portugal e Gibraltar sécs. XVII a XX - Lisbon: Liv. Férin, 1990-1991
  • José Pedro de Aboim Borges: Joshua Benoliel: Rei dos Fotógrafos - Lisbon, 1984
  • Tiago de Brito Penedo: Benoliel: “Ao Serviço de Sua Majestade” , In: PROJECTO10 - Revista Digital Temática , vol. «República»
  • Maria Alice Samara, Rui Tavares: Um falhanço para Benoliel , in: O Regicídio - Lisbon: Tinta da China, 2008, pp. 135–146
  • Maria do Carmo Serén: Morreu o Fotógrafo , in: 1926-1932: Ascensão de Salazar - Lisbon, Planeta DeAgostini, 2008, pp. 176–181
  • Teresa Parra da Silva: Joshua Benoliel: Repórter Parlamentar - Lisbon: Assembleia da República, 1989
  • Emília Tavares (ed.): Joshua Benoliel, 1873-1932: Repórter Fotográfico - Lisbon: Câmara Municipal, 2005
  • Joaquim Vieira: Fotobiografias do Século XX: Joshua Benoliel - Mem Martins: Círculo de Leitores, 2009

Web links

Commons : Joshua Benoliel  - Collection of images, videos and audio files