Journal for the Study of Antisemitism

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Journal for the Study of Antisemitism

The Journal for the Study of Antisemitism (JSA) is a US academic journal founded in 2009 that deals with anti-Semitism . It is subject to a peer review and is published every two years. A booklet usually contains five to six articles, several shorter essays, and a few reviews . The editor in chief is the psychologist Steven K. Baum . The board includes renowned researchers such as Walter Laqueur , Dina Porat , Pierre-André Taguieff and Robert S. Wistrich, as well as journalist Manfred Gerstenfeld . Board member Clemens Heni had to resign in the first edition in 2009 due to a controversial and often criticized article about the Berlin Center for Research on Antisemitism (ZfA) headed by Wolfgang Benz .

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