Journal of English and Germanic Philology

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Journal of English and Germanic Philology

description International specialist period
Area of ​​Expertise English, German, Scandinavian and Celtic Medieval Studies, Linguistics and Literature Studies
language English German
publishing company University of Illinois Press
First edition 1897
Frequency of publication 4 times a year
editor Renée R. Trilling, Kirsten Wolf, Robert J. Meyer-Lee
Web link jepg.html
Article archive Expense overview
ZDB 2068367-4

The Journal of English and Germanic Philology (JEPG) is an American, internationally oriented scientific journal of English, German and Celtic medieval studies, including Nordic. The magazine was founded in 1897 and is now editorially supervised by the media studies department of the English Department of the University of Illinois and is currently edited by Renée R. Trilling, Kirsten Wolf and Robert J. Meyer-Lee. The magazine is published by the University of Illinois Press .

Thematically, the focus is on the cultural studies of the English, German and other Germanic and Celtic-speaking regions of medieval north-western Europe.

Web links