Journal of Glacial Archeology

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Journal of Glacial Archeology

description archaeological journal
Area of ​​Expertise archeology
language English
Headquarters Sheffield
First edition 2014
Frequency of publication half-yearly
editor Equinox Publishing , Sheffield
Web link
ISSN (print)
ISSN (online)

The Journal of Glacial Archeology has been published by Equinox Publishing since 2014 . It is the only archaeological journal that deals exclusively with glacial archeology or glacier archeology , which includes regions with permafrost soils . The time frame extends from the Palaeolithic to the recent past, the spatial includes all areas of the earth in which glaciers or permafrost soils exist. The journal concentrates on new discoveries that are occurring more and more frequently in view of climate change and the resulting erosion of artifacts and human and animal remains. In addition to articles, reviews are published. Initially only one issue per year was published, since 2016 two issues per year have been published.

The editors are James Dixon from the University of New Mexico , Albert Hafner from the University of Bern and Greg Hare from the Yukon Government; Managing Editor is Martin Callanan, Norwegian University of Technology and Sciences .

Web links