Juan Carlos Arellano

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Juan Carlos Arellano (born June 24, 1943 in Colonia , Uruguay ) is a Uruguayan artist .

Arellano graduated from the Instituto Normal de Enseñanza Técnica in Montevideo in 1989 . Until 1997 he worked as a lecturer. He took part in numerous art events as well as solo and group exhibitions in Colonia. In 1995 he was with a sculpture at the Museo de San José in cooperation with the Intendencia Municipal de San José aligned XXIV. Salón de Artistas Plásticas del Interior involved. In 1998 he also exhibited in Buenos Aires . Arellano, who lives in Colonia, was awarded the municipal prize in 1999 by the Intendecia Municipal there for his sculpture Perfil del Río as part of the Salón de Artes Plásticas del Interior .
