
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The jumba was a measure of area in Singapore and adjacent areas on the Strait of Malacca and on the British-administered island of Prince of Wales . It was a field measure.

  • 1 jumba = 2554 1/3 Parisian square feet = 274.7 square meters (after 269.5 square meters)
  • 20 Jumbas = 1 Orlong = 25600 square hastas / Hästas = 51.086 2/5 Paris Geviertfuß / square foot = 5,494 1.5 square meters


  • Johann Friedrich Krüger : Complete manual of the coins, measures and weights of all countries in the world. Verlag Gottfried Basse, Quedlinburg / Leipzig 1830, p. 219
  • Society of learned and practical merchants: General encyclopedia for merchants and manufacturers as well as for businessmen in general: or, Complete dictionary. Otto Wigand, Leipzig 1838, p. 655

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Johann Friedrich Krüger : Complete manual of the coins, measures and weights of all countries in the world. Verlag Gottfried Basse, Quedlinburg / Leipzig 1830, p. 131