Jurlower Crow

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The Jurlower Crow ( Russian : Ю́рловская голоси́стая) is an old Russian breed of chicken that is mainly bred for competition crows and as broiler chickens .


Presumably the breed originated in the second half of the 19th century from a cross between Chinese broiler chickens , fighting chickens and local country chicken breeds , possibly with interference from Malay . The first report of a crowing competition with Jurlower crows was published in 1912. For a long time, the breed was popular in Russia and Ukraine as a show and broiler chicken. From the 1970s, the crows were also kept in state breeding stations and studied scientifically. According to the Central Statistics Service of the USSR , no more than 200 copies were registered in 1985. Rüdiger Wandelt (1993) and Wolfgang Vits (1994) imported the first animals to Germany. Subsequently, the breed gained a certain popularity in Germany and other European countries. In 2006 the total population in Russia and Ukraine was estimated at a few thousand animals. The only EU country with a breed standard is Poland


The rooster weighs 5–7 kg, the hen 3.5–4.5 kg. The breed is one of the heaviest chicken breeds in the world. The annual egg production is around 120–130 eggs with a weight of 90 g. The Jurlower has a calm temperament. Since there is relatively little fat in the subcutaneous tissue, the meat is highly valued. The back line shows a discrete arch (carp back). The comb has two variations: the simple comb and the noticeably thick and high rose comb. The colors are birch-colored, orange-breasted, black, black-gold, black-silver, silver-wheat-colored and white-black columbia.

Genetic characteristics

The breed has been extensively examined genetically since 1994. A microsatellite analysis found that the Jurlower had no fewer than eight alleles exclusive to this breed. The other 51 breeds studied had only one or no exclusive allele, so that the Jurlower Crow is genetically very different from other breeds.

Individual evidence

  1. René Zanderink: De wereld wakker kraaid door de Yurlow kraaier? in: Kleindiermagazine 2006, pp. 452–455, (Dutch). Retrieved February 12, 2020
  2. ^ Rüdiger Wandelt: "A voice miracle: Jurlower Kräher". Poultry Exchange (14) 1993: Ss. 2-3.
  3. a b List of the chicken breeds recognized by the Entente Européenne in Europe , accessed on February 12, 2020
  4. Yurlov rich-voiced chicken, at fondazioneslowfood.com , accessed February 12, 2020
  5. Moiseyeva IG, Semyenova SK, Bannikova LV, Filippova ND (1994). "Genetic structure and origin of an old Russian Orloff chicken breed". Genetics. 30: Ss. 681–694 (English)
  6. ^ Hillel J; Groenen MAM; Tixier-Boichard M; Korol AB; David L; Kirzhner VM; Burke T; Barre-Dirie A; Crooijmans RPMA; Elo K; Feldman MW; Freidlin PJ; Mäki-Tanila A; Oortwijn M; Thomson P; Vignal A; Wimmers K; Weigend S (Sep-Oct 2003). "Biodiversity of 52 chicken populations assessed by microsatellite typing of DNA pools" (PDF). Genet Sel Evol. 35 (5): pp. 533–57 (English)