Fighting Africa

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Fighting Africa was a Swiss non-governmental organization , the African liberation movements supported.

The organization was founded in 1971 as Medic 'Angola / kämpfendes afrika in Zurich with the aim of providing "medical support for the Angolan people ". From November 1971 she published the magazine Fighting Africa . Some of the founding members split off and in 1973 formed their own Southern Africa Committee .

Since 1976 the organization called itself fighting Africa . The organization provided political information work mainly in German-speaking Switzerland , and it provided material and financial support for liberation movements, particularly in southern Africa, such as the Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola . In 1988 it broke up.

Your archive is in the Basler Afrika Bibliographien .


  1. a b c d Dag Henrichsen (ed.): The archive of the solidarity group Medic'Angola / Kämpfendes Afrika (Zurich 1971–1988) . Basler Afrika Bibliographien , Basel 2002, ISBN 978-3-905141-78-8 , pp. ix and following ( online [accessed December 9, 2017]).