Royal children - a true love

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Königskinder - A true love is a non-fiction book by the German writer and translator Reinhard Kaiser , published in 1996 .


In 1935, Ingeborg Magnusson, who was born in Sweden, and the German geologist Rudolf Kaufmann met in Italy. When the two of them are back in their daily lives, they keep in touch via letters that they write to each other on a regular basis.

When Rudolf, a devout Jew, had to sit in prison for three years because of a stranger's love affair, the firmness and seriousness of his close friendship with Ingeborg was once again proven: the two of them remained in lively written contact with each other. Even marriage plans are forged while he is in prison.

However, when the Second World War broke out, all of the two future dreams were suddenly destroyed. The letters that Rudolf continues to write to Ingeborg from his imprisonment have an increasingly desperate undertone. After the imprisonment, one can no longer hide the living conditions under the historical developments in Germany. Despite Rudolf's efforts to build a professional basis for a common future, he reached his limits.

Emigration laws and entry regulations for Jews are changing and making them impossible. Rudolf advises Ingeborg against any further plans for life together.

The content of the book ends without a happy ending . The lovers Rudolf and Ingeborg never again have the opportunity to meet each other.


The content of the book is based on a real background. The writer and author Reinhard Kaiser has reconstructed the love affair and the correspondence of the couple using real letters and reports from friends, family and colleagues.


The journalist Klaus Bednarz says: “Today I spoke to a colleague who also read the book and she said to me: When I put the book down, I had the same feeling as when I first read the diary who read Anne Frank '- and I have to say: It happened to me the same way. Reinhard Kaiser, thank you for this book. "

Andreas Platthaus summed up in the FAZ : "This is how a deeply sad and very touching book was created, also an eminently literary work, because Kaiser's reconstruction works with all the finesse of the montage of text and image".


Königskinder - A true love was awarded the German Youth Literature Prize in 1997 .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Reinhard Kaiser: Königskinder - Schöffling & Co. Verlag. In: Retrieved November 24, 2015 .
  2. ^ The winners from 1988 to 2003. In: Retrieved November 24, 2015 .