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The K1810WM87 ( Russian К1810ВМ87 ) is a Soviet replica of the Intel 8087 numerical coprocessor . It is part of the K1810 system and was used, for example, in the ESER-PC EC 1834 .

Data types

The K1810WM87 supports a total of 7 different data types:

  • 16-bit short integer
  • 32-bit word integer
  • 64-bit long integer
  • 80-bit BCD
  • 32-bit short real
  • 64-bit long real
  • 80-bit temporary real

The Temporary Real format is always used in the registers. All other formats are only used for load and store commands.


The K1810WM87 has the following registers:

Stack registers are specified in the form ST (i), i = 0… 7. The index i points to the i-th register after the top of the stack . The registers ST and ST (0) are the same.


Memory data, stack registers, status and control registers can be used as operands . The host processor ( K1810WM86 ) is responsible for addressing the memory . This means that all types of addressing of the CPU can be used.

In addition to normalized numbers (Normals), there are the following special values:

  • Zero (0)
  • Denormals
  • Abnormal Numbers (Unnormal)
  • Infinity
  • Indefinite code
  • NaN (Not-A-Number)

The WAIT command can be used for synchronization between the host and coprocessor.


The K1810WM87 can be initialized either by a RESET signal or by an external program. After the initialization, the K1810WM87 has the following states:

  • Control word: The projective model, rounding to the next value, 64 significant digits, interrupts prohibited and exceptions masked are selected in the control word.
  • Status word: In the control word the BUSY flag is set to 0, the result code to undefined, the stack pointer to 0 (stack empty), the interrupt flag to 0 (no interrupt) and the exception flag to 0 (no exceptions).
  • TAG word: Each of the tags is set to the value 3 (register free).

Instruction set

The instruction set can be divided as follows:

  • Data transfer commands
  • Arithmetic instructions
  • Comparison commands
  • Transcendent Orders
  • Commands for loading constants
  • Processor control commands

See also


Jochen Bonitz: The 16-bit microprocessor of the ESER-PC. VEB Verlag Technik Berlin, 1989, ISBN 3-341-00704-0 .