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KAPOVAZ is the abbreviation for " Cape azitäts o rien benefited v ariable A rbeits for ince". It is a form of part-time work adopted from the USA .

It means performance of a fixed amount of working time on demand (see also: On-demand work ). In extreme cases, this means that employees are always ready to work . This variant of flexible working hours can be found to a greater extent, especially in retail .

An attenuated phenotype of an KAPOVAZ- employment relationship is basically of a rigid working hours system with fixed working hours - and allows for certain temporary periods during a working time flexibility , the variable working : then (for example, during the festive season) the employee has to work according to demand. In this way, companies can react particularly flexibly to seasonal fluctuations.


KAPOVAZ is a special form of part-time work . If the work blocks are spread over the equalization period of one year on the basis of a reduced weekly working time, they can also be referred to as annual part-time work. Compared to the classic variant of part-time work, however, on-call work enables the employer to be considerably more flexible.

With the help of on-demand work, he can flexibly adapt both the location and the duration of the hours worked by his employees to the respective needs. When designing KAPOVAZ, employees and employers often agree on an increased remuneration on the basis of the agreed regular weekly working hours. While the employee thus has a calculable and regular income, it is still possible for the employer to access the employee within agreed and regulated limits.

In German labor law , Section 12 of the Part-time and Temporary Employment Act regulates notice periods and minimum working hours. To the detriment of the employee, deviations from this may only be made on the basis of a collective agreement. If the work performance of the employees is required at short notice for operational reasons, the collective agreement will usually provide for financial compensation. Such wage or time supplements thus take into account the special restrictions on the time sovereignty of the employees concerned. The legally required control ( Working Hours Act ) of the working time balance should, for example, guarantee working time accounts.

In contrast to KAPOVAZ, other flexibility solutions such as simple or qualified flexitime and the flexible age limit can be expected to give the employee greater time sovereignty .

The term KAPOVAZ is often not associated with a specific working time model in the public discussion : Rather, the term is used in the political discussion to clarify the dangers in the work and life situation of employees that can trigger short-term work assignments or on- call work . Because KAPOVAZ is often used to compensate for inadequate deployment planning by employers ( working time management ).

Another form of flexible working hours is “ FREQUOVAZ ”. The working hours are adjusted to the customer frequency .

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  1. Peter Pulte : Capacity-oriented variable working hours: (KAPOVAZ). Heidelberg: Verl. Law and Economy, 1987.