Customer frequency measurement

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Measures to measure customer frequency ( people counting ) are mainly carried out in retail and shopping centers in order to determine data on visitor flows, the number of people in shops and their direction of movement. Visitor frequency is measured, especially at entrances and exits and on sales areas, and customer run studies are carried out in order to increase operational efficiency based on the results. In addition to this traditional use, people counting is also used to determine the reach of shelves, displays, and other marketing promotions to help measure the return on investment on marketing.

Areas of application

The customer frequency measurement is mainly used for three areas of application.

Workforce planning and customer service

If it is known on which day and at what time which entrances and departments are particularly busy, the deployment of staff can be planned as required. An evaluation in real time enables staff to be adapted immediately to the different needs in the departments. The deployment of the checkout staff can also be organized more efficiently according to the expected influx of customers.

Measuring the success of advertising within the business

Using the range measurement, the price per thousand contacts can be determined:

  • Actual reach : The number of people who actually turn their attention to a display or shelf is counted. People who just pass the display or shelf or who turn their backs on it are not taken into account.
  • Total range : The number of all passers-by, including those who actually pay attention to the display or shelf as well as those who only walk past it, is counted. This allows the effectiveness of a display / shelf to be evaluated: If it reaches a high overall range, but only a low actual range, it does not attract enough attention. If only a low total range is achieved, the positioning of the display or the organization of the shelf should be reconsidered.

Energy management

With knowledge of the number of people on individual sales areas, the possibility of adapting the use of energy as required also increases. Heating, air conditioning and ventilation can thus be adjusted according to the density of people on sales areas.


Various techniques can be used to measure customer frequency.

Video analysis

People are counted from a "bird's eye view". Accordingly, they do not cover themselves when passing an entrance area, so that the real number of people is counted. Use in dense crowds, large entrance areas or in confusing areas is therefore possible. A high counting quality is achieved. Video-based measurement methods can only be used indoors due to their sensitivity to light.

Hand counting

Automatic hand counters are particularly suitable for short-term use on a project basis, as they are mobile and flexible in use. However, this form of counting cannot be used with large crowds, wide entrances or areas that are difficult to see.


Automatic counting can also be used in poor light conditions, rain, shade or darkness. A disadvantage is that two people who pass the simple mono-beam barrier at the same time are counted as just one person and the direction of movement is not recognized. This method is therefore not always suitable for wide entrance areas or confusing areas. The direction of movement of people cannot be recorded with unidirectional systems, but with bidirectional multi-beam systems. Intelligent multi-beam (light barrier) systems can isolate people very well. Therefore, a general statement regarding the inaccuracy of light barriers is incorrect.

Laser barriers

Similar to the light barrier, the laser frequency measurement is insensitive to light conditions, so it is suitable for outdoor use. The disadvantages here are also the counting accuracy with wide entrances or confusing areas when several people have to be recorded at the same time. People walking next to each other are counted as one person. The direction of movement of the people cannot be recorded either.

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