KPQM 2006

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KPQM 2006 (KV Practice Quality Management) is the QM system for doctors and psychotherapists developed by the Westphalia-Lippe Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians. The background to this is the provisions of the Social Security Code (Section 135a SGB V), according to which all doctors (formerly known as statutory health insurance physicians) and contract psychotherapists are obliged to introduce and further develop quality management.


In order to make the obligation from the Social Security Code feasible for all contract doctors and contract psychotherapists, a working group of doctors belonging to the Westphalia-Lippe Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians has developed a quality management system. The cornerstones of this development were, on the one hand, the orientation towards existing quality management systems, in particular DIN EN ISO 9000 , and on the other hand, the fact that the work of a contract doctor or contract psychotherapist is already quality assured by extensive instruments. KPQM 2006 should also meet the requirements that the Federal Joint Committee has stipulated as binding for all contract doctors and contract psychotherapists in the “Quality Management” guideline.

Philosophy of the KPQM 2006

KPQM 2006 is a process-oriented quality management, i. H. The processes that predominate in the practice of the contract doctor or contract psychotherapist are analyzed, modeled in terms of effective and patient safety-oriented care and then documented in the form of work instructions and flow charts. This applies to all work areas of a practice, i. H. not only patient care, but also administration and staff management.

In order to avoid redundancies, quality management should include the existing quality assurance instruments for the quality of structures, processes and results.

All processes in a practice should be aligned with a quality policy and quality goals that are to be checked at regular intervals (philosophy of the continuous improvement process).


KPQM 2006 offers the possibility of having an external check whether the quality management system of contractual practice complies with the regulations of KPQM 2006 and whether the practice is managed in accordance with quality management. After a thorough examination of the quality manual and a personal inspection of the practice, certification companies issue a certificate , which is usually valid for three years.

See also


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