Machel II cabinet

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The Machel II cabinet formed the second government of the People's Republic of Mozambique , which came into office after the end of Portuguese colonial administration and the socialist- oriented liberation movement FRELIMO , which came to power as a result of the country's declaration of independence on June 25, 1975 . The president of the state was Samora Machel since June 1975 .

Course of tenure

President Samora Machel initiated a cabinet reshuffle at the beginning of 1986 in order to give the ruling FRELIMO party a stronger political role vis-à-vis the state administration. At the same time, it was intended to streamline departmental responsibilities.

Samora Machel herself, two members of the government and other high-ranking government officials were killed in a plane crash on October 19 not far from the Mozambican-South African border when they were about to return to Mozambique from an international meeting in Zambia . The subsequent government was led by Joaquim Alberto Chissano .

Cabinet composition

According to the available sources, the second Mozambican cabinet under President Machel had consisted of the following departments and people since April 1986.

Machel II cabinet - 1986
Department Surname Representative Representative of
President Samora Machel since 1975 † - FRELIMO
Minister of State Administration in the Presidency José Oscar Monteiro 1986 - FRELIMO
Exterior Joaquim Alberto Chissano 1986 José Carlos Lobo 1986 † FRELIMO
Construction and water Julio Zamith Carrilho 1986 - FRELIMO
education Graça Machel 1986 - FRELIMO
Finances Abdul Magid Osman 1986 - FRELIMO
health Pascoal Mocumbi 1986 - FRELIMO
trade Aranda da Silva 1986 - FRELIMO
Industry and energy António Branco 1986 - FRELIMO
information Teodato Hunguana , 1986-1991 - FRELIMO
Interior Manuel Antonio 1986 - FRELIMO
Judiciary Ali Ossumane Dauto 1986 - FRELIMO
Cooperation (foreign trade) Jacinto Veloso 1986 - FRELIMO
Agriculture João Ferreira 1986 - FRELIMO
planning Mário Machungo 1986 - FRELIMO
raw materials John Kachamila 1986 - FRELIMO
safety Sérgio Vieira 1986 - FRELIMO
Transport and communication Luís Maria de Alcântara Santos 1986 † -
defense Alberto Chipande 1986 - FRELIMO

† died in a plane crash in the Lebombo Mountains .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Joseph Hanlon: Mozambique, Revolution in the Crossfire . edition Südliches Afrika 21, Informationsstelle Südliches Afrika, Bonn 1986, ISBN 3-921614-25-2 , p. 332
  2. Colin Darch: Mbuzini. The Death of Samora Machel October 19, 1986 . on (English)