Kallistratos (rhetorician)

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Kallistratos ( Greek  Καλλίστρατος ) was an ancient Greek rhetorician . He probably lived in the 3rd or 4th century.


There are many very different ways of determining the dates of life, so that some quite different determinations have already occurred in history.

At the beginning of the 18th century, the editor Gottfrid Olearius identified Kallistratos with the Athenian speaker and politician of the same name Kallistratos of Aphidnai , who was in the middle of the 4th century BC. Occurred.

Another version was presented by Johann Albert Fabricius and Friedrich Jacobs . They suggested dating the appearance of Kallistratus at the time of Plutarch .

In the 16th century, the French Blaise de Vigenère , a translator of Kallistratos' work, saw in Kallistratos a successor to Philostratos and therefore determined his life dates to late antiquity. This opinion was adopted much later in 1801 by the German philologist Christian Gottlob Heyne and it is still the usual rough estimate today. The 3rd or 4th century is believed to be likely today.

The fourteen art descriptions

Following the example of Philostratus, Kallistratos wrote a description of 14 statues by famous artists that still exists. It is the only work by Kallistratos still available.

The descriptions can be assigned to different rows. Five descriptions belong in the series of works of art by the three artists named Skopas ( Bakche ), Praxiteles ( Eros , Dionysus and Eitheos ) and Lysippos ( Kairos ).

Again five can be assigned to the series of descriptions of similar youthful figures (Eros, Narcissus , Dionysus , Paian and Eitheos), while the three descriptions of satyr , Indian and Centaur can be assigned to the series of "male" characters. In this way, many other classifications can be made, e.g. B. in the series of "individual forms of myth", the "type beings", the "divine immortal beings" and others. In doing so, they often overlap.


  • Balbina Bäbler, Heinz-Günther Nesselrath : Ars et verba: the descriptions of art by Kallistratos. Saur, Munich 2006, ISBN 978-3-598-73056-6
  • Paweł Janiszewski: Kallistratos. In: Paweł Janiszewski, Krystyna Stebnicka, Elżbieta Szabat: Prosopography of Greek Rhetors and Sophists of the Roman Empire. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2015, ISBN 978-0-19-871340-1 , pp. 193 f.

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  1. Balbina Bäbler, Heinz-Günther Nesselrath: Ars et verba: the art descriptions of Kallistratos (2006), p. 2ff.
  2. Gottfrid Olearius: Philostratorum Quae Supersunt Omnia. Accessere Callistrati Descriptiones Statuarum (1709), pp. 757-760
  3. ^ Friedrich Jacobs: Philostratorum imagines et Callistri statuae (1825).
  4. Blaise de Vigenère: Les images ou de Tableaux plate peinture des deux Philo trates Sophistes grecs et de statues de Calli rate. Paris 1615, p. 849.
  5. a b Balbina Bäbler, Heinz-Günther Nesselrath: Ars et verba: the art descriptions of Kallistratos (2006), p. 9ff.