Combat League for Northern Germany

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The Kampfbund für Norddeutschland was a planned association that was supposed to enable the various combat units in Northern Germany in 1923 under the leadership of Rüdiger Graf von der Goltz to take joint action.

Meeting at Goltz

At a meeting with Goltz in his apartment on October 26th and 27th, 1923, the concept of the Kampfbund was presented. The fragmented and ethnic -oriented combat units in northern Germany were to be brought together under one management.

Goltz was to take over command and leadership. Above all, it should first be achieved to settle or settle the existing tensions and disputes between the various associations. However, Goltz refused to work with the proposed staff officers. He insisted that he could rely on his trusted adjutant, Captain Boehme.

Support from Ludendorff

In the event of an operation, staff officers provided by Erich Ludendorff would be available. Ludendorff should also provide financial support. In this combat alliance, smaller units, the Stahlhelm , the Deutschvölkische Freiheitspartei , the Orgesch of Northern Germany without the Berlin Orgesch and the Rossbach Sturmabteilung were subordinate to the command.

Differentiation from the organization of Below

Albrecht von Graefe was involved in these negotiations on behalf of the Deutschvölkische Freedom Party , whereby this assumption resulted from the weakness towards other associations. During the negotiations Goltz made it clear that he did not want to oppose the organizations of General Otto von Below . Goltz went from the determination that the Kampfbund Northern Germany would see itself as a national association. Another association like that of General von Below, which did not have this claim, could just as easily exist in northern Germany as it was in Bavaria.

The groups that united under von Below were other parts of the Stahlhelm, the associations dependent on the Consul organization, the Bund Wiking , parts of the Black Reichswehr and smaller groups.

Instructions from Bavaria

The instructions for the Kampfbund Norddeutschland would come from Bavaria. In the near future, however, no actions should begin. The report on this meeting to the Reich Commissioner for the Supervision of Public Order (RKO) of November 1, 1923 ended with the following words: “There is no need to emphasize that this, in particular because of the close connection with the Bavarian combat units, caused the right impending danger noticeably aggravated. "


  • Report of the RKO to the Reich Ministry on efforts to unite right-wing radical “combat units” in Northern Germany from November 1, 1923 . In: Kurt Gossweiler : Capital, Reichswehr and NSDAP 1919-1924 (Small Library; Vol. 236). Pahl-Rugenstein, Cologne 1982, pp. 588f. ISBN 3-7609-0646-X .