Cape (unit)

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The cape was a Russian grain measure . The measure was known in Smolensk since 1228 and in Novgorod in 1230 . During this time, the weight should have corresponded to the standard Riga pound. In 1761 a Riga normal pound was 9425.239 Doli or 6463.52 Gran (Troy-).

The cape measure was also known as the waxchet value. The different Tschetwert makes it difficult to give ( volume or ) weight.

  • in 1761: 1 cape = 414.711 grams (calculated from Dolja)
  • 7 cap = 1 nelik
  • 4 nelik = 1 ton
  • 5 tons = 4 chet value

The cape was also a measure of measure in Sweden and Persia .


  • Editor Heideke: Russischer Merkur. Volume 2, Christian Wilhelm Andreas Müller, Riga 1805, p. 298.
  • Magnus Georg Paucker: Contents overview of the work on measure, weight and coin of the Russian Empire and its German Baltic countries. Imperial Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg 1832, p. 13.

Individual evidence

  1. Karl Christian Traugott Friedemann Göbel: Law and Duty Teaching. Art of recipe. Operating theory. Chemistry. Physics. Volume 2, Enke, 1845, p. 39.