Karch (unit)

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The Karch , also known as the horse load, was an Austrian unit of weight . A dimensional chain was not in use for this dimension.

The basis was 1 pound = 560.0122 grams

  • 1 kilogram = 0.004464 Karch


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Johann Philipp Bronner: Viticulture in the Kingdom of Württemberg. University bookstore CF Winter, Heidelberg 1837, p. 102.
  2. M. Mendelssohn: Handbook of coin, measure and weight, taking into account the new coin and weight system, with detailed reduction tables. Horvarth'sche Buchhandlung, Potsdam 1859, p. 134.
  3. Felix von Blocken: The new dimensions and weights in tables and pictures with all legal provisions for Bavaria. R. Forchthammer, Regensburg 1871, p. 393.