Karl Balzer

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Karl Balzer (born before 1967) is a German right-wing extremist publicist.

Balzer published several books in the 1970s and 1980s with Verlag KW Schütz (cf. Waldemar Schütz ). Like many titles in the publisher's program, Balzer's publications are often located within the right-wing extremist spectrum: A monograph on right-wing extremism from 1992 cited Balzer's book Am Pranger der Nation as a typical example of the Schütz-Verlag's program, which was " Literature to justify the Second World War, to glorify the Waffen-SS , written as nostalgic reverence to an allegedly great time ”. By the “destroyers of the Reich” Balzer understands those “who wanted to put an end to the Hitler dictatorship as soon as possible”.

His journalistic collaboration with Erich Kern and the fact that Otto Ernst Remer referred to him as his friend in the acknowledgment of his 1989 book War Incitement against Germany gave further evidence of Balzer's political position .


  • July 20th and treason. A documentary about acts of betrayal in the German resistance , Preußisch Oldendorf 1967.
  • Sabotage against Germany. The insidious fight against the German soldiers at the front , Preußisch Oldendorf 1974.
  • Conspiracy against Germany. So we lost the war , Preussisch Oldendorf 1978.
  • Allied crimes against Germans. The hidden victims , Preußisch Oldendorf 1980. (together with Erich Kern)
  • In the pillory of the nation. A settlement with the destroyers of the empire , 1987.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Arthur Frischkopf: Right-Wing Extremism. Manifestations, causes, developments , Soest 1992, p. 20.
  2. Eckhard Jesse : "Biographical portrait: Otto Ernst Remer", in: Uwe Backes / Eckhard Jesse (ed.): Yearbook Extremism & Democracy , Bonn 1994, p. 219.