Karl Housselle

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Karl Housselle (born June 12, 1799 in Elbing , Pomerania, † March 18, 1885 in Berlin ) was a general practitioner and medical officer.

The son of the doctor Carl Ludwig Housselle studied medicine at the Universities of Königsberg and Berlin from 1818, where he received his doctorate in 1822 with the dissertation "Descriptio duorum Craniorum rariorum e gente Puriana" and in 1823 passed the state examination.

First he was a general practitioner in Elbing, from 1845 a district physician and from 1853-1854 a member of the Prussian First Chamber.

In June 1854 he was appointed to the government and medical council in Stralsund , where he joined the medical wreath and in 1856 participated in the call to found a children's hospital. In 1872 he headed the editorial office for the Pharmakopoea germanica with Schacht and Hager . In 1882 he retired.


  • April 1856: Secret Medical Council in the Ministry of Feistliche, teaching and medical matters in Berlin
  • Director of the Medical Examination Board
  • 1857: full member of the Scientific Deputation for the Medical System
  • 1861: Privy Senior Medical Councilor
  • 1863: Director of Pharmaceutical Studies at the University of Berlin
  • 1882: Really secret senior medical councilor


  • Hans Reddemann: Famous and notable doctors from and in Pomerania ; P. 77