Karl Steinbrenner

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Karl Steinbrenner (born January 28, 1927 in Alt -grund , † July 8, 1992 in Müncheberg ) was a German arable and crop scientist .


Karl Steinbrenner, son of a farmer, studied at the University of Halle (Saale) since 1948 . In 1952 he passed the exam to become a qualified farmer. Since then he has worked at the Institute for Arable and Crop Production and at the Research Center for Soil Fertility of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the GDR in Müncheberg . In 1957 he received his doctorate at the Humboldt University in Berlin with the dissertation " Influence of a grass-clover and fodder-beet crop on a number of measurable soil properties and the yield of spring barley ".

From 1958 to the beginning of 1992 Steinbrenner worked as a department manager in Müncheberg. In 1967 he completed his habilitation at the Humboldt University in Berlin with the text " On the effect of agricultural measures on soil life ". In 1968 he was appointed professor. His research focus in Müncheberg continued to be in the areas of soil microbiology and crop rotation research . His list of publications includes 70 scientific and a large number of practice-oriented papers. He has published several articles on measures to increase soil fertility in the "Archive for Arable and Plant Cultivation and Soil Science".

His scientific life's work received high recognition. In 1963 Steinbrenner was awarded the National Prize III. Class , awarded the GDR Medal of Merit in 1964 and the Theodor Roemer Prize of the GDR Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 1983 .


  • Karl-Heinz Hoffmann: Professor Dr. sc. agr. Karl Steinbrenner on his 60th birthday . In: Archive for arable and plant cultivation and soil science, Vol. 31, 1987, pp. 625–626 (with picture).
  • K. Steinbrenner † . In: Neue Landwirtschaft, year 1992, no. 10, p. 83 (with picture).