Karl von Jendersky

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Karl Rudolf Hermann von Jendersky ( July 20, 1835 in Galicia - May 9, 1886 in Prague ) was a German theater actor and director .


He came from a family that received the nobility through their ancestors in 1683, when the heroism of the Poles under the leadership of their King Jan Sobieski freed Vienna from the yoke of the Turks. Jendersky was supposed to become a lawyer and studied in Leipzig. Already there he developed a lively inclination for the acting position and made the first attempts on the amateur stage “Thalia”.

The beginner found his first engagement in Halle in 1855, then we find him in Stettin, Elbing, Rostock, Weimar, Oldenburg, Petersburg, Cologne, etc., everywhere he was helped by an attractive appearance, a pleasant organ, but above all, the talent of the agile, witty Actor in the hero and lover subject to great success. He gained a particularly respected name in the German theater world in the field of directing. He worked as a conscientious director and popular actor in Graz, then for several years on American stages, at the National Theater in Berlin, but above all as chief director at the Court Theater in Stuttgart (1874 to 1879).

The theater historiographer Adolf Palm reports on his work there, which seemed to have had a Reformation effect : “Jendersky should expressly forego any further activity as an actor and devote all his energy to directing. Jendersky was known as a director and capable actor on many North German, Russian and even American theaters. "

His successes at the Württemberg court theater earned him honorable applications to the Belle Alliance Theater in Berlin from 1879 to 1880, the City Theater in Cologne from 1881 to 1882, the City Theater in Leipzig from 1882 to 1884, the Theater in Moscow and finally to the State Theater in Prague.

Apparently robust and strong, his body could not withstand all exertions. As early as Easter 1883 he was touched by a stroke, from which he however fully recovered. However, through his ongoing activity he nevertheless endangered his life. In Prague the doctors diagnosed a heart defect. Disregarding his own health, he was most conscientious in his service. Then on May 9, 1886, his heartbeat hit him.

Student (selection)



  1. Place of birth according to the DNB is Leipzig