Cash register

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A Kassiber ( Rotwelsch kassiwe , borrowed from Hebrew , ultimately based on the Hebrew / Semitic root related to script כ־ת־ב ktb back) is a secret written communication from a prisoner to other prisoners or from the prison to the outside world. The message can also be in sign language instead of in writing. In Germany, the transmission of such messages is an administrative offense according to § 115 OWiG .


Communists imprisoned for their resistance to the Nazi regime organized non-contradicting statements by means of cash register. Furthermore, during his 20 years in prison, the Nazi war criminal Albert Speer succeeded in smuggling around 20,000 sheets of cash from the Spandau war crimes prison . In German legal history, the smuggling of messages from RAF prisoners (e.g. by their lawyers) in Stammheim has become known under the term Kassiber .


  • Werner von Koppenfels (ed.): From the dungeons of Europe. Poetic treasures from Villon to Pound . CH Beck, Munich 2014. ISBN 978-3-406-66800-5 .


  1. Elke Pudszuhn: Resistance and persecution in Zella-Mehlis 1933-1945. A contribution to the 100th anniversary of the city of Zella-Mehlis on April 1st, 2019 . In: Förderverein Stadtarchiv Zella-Mehlis eV (Hrsg.): 100 years of Zella-Mehlis. Contributions to history. Zella-Mehlis 2019, p. 152 .
  2. Cf. Heinrich Breloer (Reg.): Speer and Er · Follow-up: The deception. Documentary, 88 min., Bavaria Film GmbH, Munich 2005, min. 0:45 and min. 1:25 and passim

Web links

Wiktionary: Kassiber  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations
Wiktionary: kassibern  - explanations of meanings, word origins , synonyms, translations