Notre-Dame-et-Saint-Arnoux cathedral

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Front view
inside view

The Notre-Dame-et-Saint-Arnoux cathedral is a Roman Catholic church in Gap in the department of Hautes-Alpes in the south of France . It is the seat of the diocese of Gap and Embrun .


After the dissolution of the old Gap diocese in 1801 as a result of the Concordat , only Pope Pius VII was able to re-establish the diocese in 1822. Since 2008 it has been officially called the Diocese of Gap and Embrun . The cathedral church in Gap was built in the second half of the 19th century on the site of the now crumbling medieval cathedral. The new church bears the patronage of the Assumption of Mary and is also consecrated to St. Arnoux (Latin: Arnulfus ), who was Bishop of Gap in the 11th century and is the patron saint of Gap.


The new church in Gap was built from 1866 to 1904 according to plans by the architect Charles Laisné in the style of historicism and consecrated on September 21, 1895 by Bishop Prosper Amable Berthet and on September 22, 1895 by the Archbishop of François Aix-en-Provence Consecrated to Xavier Gouthe-Soulard. Their facades, made of different types of stone, create a colorful appearance. The church tower has a height of 70 meters. The glass paintings in the choir are by the glass artist Émile Hirsch . In the church there are several pictures and sculptures of Saint Arnoux , including a picture from 1716 from the old cathedral by the French painter Louis Court , who worked for the diocese in the early 18th century.


View of the organ

The organ was built in 1981 by the organ builder Jean Dunand (Villeurbanne).

I positif Cg 3
Montre 8th'
Prestant 4 '
Nazard 2 23 '
Duplicate 2 '
Tierce 1 35 '
Larigot 1 13 '
Plein-jeu V. 00
Trumpets 8th'
Cromorne 8th'
II Grand-Orgue Cg 3
Montre 16 '
Montre 08th'
Bourdon à cheminée 0 08th'
Dessus de flûte 08th'
Prestant 04 '
Grande tierce 03 15 '
Nazard 02 23 '
Duplicate 02 '
Cornet V
Grande fourniture III 0
Petite furniture V.
Bombard 16 '
Trumpets 08th'
Clairon 04 '
III Récit expressif Cg 3
Quintaton 16 '
Bourdon 08th'
Gemshorn 08th'
Undamaris 08th'
Principal conique 0 04 '
Flute 02 '
Tierce 01 35 '
Sifflet 01'
Cornet III
Cymbals III
Basson 16 '
Trumpets 08th'
Basson-hautbois 08th'
Voix humaine 8 '
Pedale Cg 1
Principal 16 '
Principal 08th'
Bourdon 08th'
Fifth 05 13 '
Principal 04 '
Bombard 00 16 '
Trumpets 08th'
Clairon 04 '

Web links

Commons : Notre-Dame-et-Saint-Arnoux cathedral  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

Coordinates: 44 ° 33 ′ 29 ″  N , 6 ° 4 ′ 41 ″  E