Catholic adult education

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The Catholic Adult Education designates the justification and legitimation approach the Church's Adult Education in Catholic-run, such as a service of the Church in culture and society (cultural diakonia). She is particularly concerned with personal education and becoming a subject, with value-based and option-based educational work as an aid to shaping individual life and the community in a responsible manner. Theological adult education has a special status for Catholic adult education and wants to contribute to the reflective responsibility of one's own faith in church and society.

Catholic adult education is practically carried out by local organizations that have formed associations at national level. In Germany this is the Catholic Adult Education Germany - Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft e. V. (KEB Germany) .

In Austria , 70 organizations of Catholic adult education from all Austrian dioceses are networked in the Forum of Catholic Adult Education in Austria . In total, more than 30,000 events in the form of lectures, courses, seminars, workshops and conferences are held within the forum. In addition to the diocesan institutions, the forum connects the institutions that are active throughout Austria , such as: Catholic Social Academy Austria , Institute Distance Learning for Theological Education , Institute for Education in Health Service GmbH (IBG) and BPAÖ Extra-occupational Pastoral Education Austria. Its extraordinary members are: Kolping Austria, the Pro Oriente Foundation and Austrian Catholic Biblical Works . The forum awards the "Prize of Catholic Adult Education Austria" to excellent offers from Catholic adult education institutions every 2 years.


  • Mark Achilles, Markus Roth (ed.): Theological adult education between pastoral and catechesis. Basics - fields of work - perspectives. 2nd Edition. Matthias Grünewald, Ostfildern 2015, ISBN 978-3-7867-3030-9 . (Documentation of a symposium of the Münchner Bildungswerk )
  • Bibliography on Church Adult Education. In: Rudolf Englert , Stephan Leimgruber (eds.): Adult education faces religious plurality. Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 2005, ISBN 3-451-28617-3 , pp. 291-297.
  • Andreas Wittrahm : Catholic adult education. In: Rolf Arnold, Sigrid Nolda, Ekkehard Nuissl (eds.): Dictionary adult education. 2nd, revised edition. Julius Klinkhardt, Bad Heilbrunn 2010, ISBN 978-3-8252-8425-1 , p. 171.

Web links

Website of KEB Germany

Website of the forum KEB Austria

Website of the Catholic Office for Adult Education Switzerland

Individual evidence

  1. Source: KEB website
  2. Forum of Catholic Adult Education in Austria. Retrieved April 17, 2018 .
  3. Forum of Catholic Adult Education in Austria. Retrieved April 17, 2018 .
  4. Forum of Catholic Adult Education in Austria. Retrieved April 17, 2018 .