Catholic rural people movement

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The Katholische Landvolkbewegung (KLB) or Katholische Landvolkbewegung Deutschlands or Katholische Landvolkbewegung Deutschland is an association in the Roman Catholic Church in Germany , which particularly takes care of the concerns of Christians in rural areas. The movement contributes to the design of rural areas and rural agriculture and sees itself as a spokesperson for religious, cultural, social and professional concerns of the people in the country. Your patron is Niklaus von Flüe .

The International Rural Development Service is affiliated . It supports the development of rural self-help movements in Africa, South America and Asia, offers local partners assistance in the planning and implementation of integrated rural projects and endeavors to finance local projects from donations and government funds. The KLB is a full member of the International Association of Catholic Agricultural Workers' Movements .

The federal chairmen are Nicole Podlinski (KLB Trier) and Korbinian Obermayer (KLB Munich and Freising), deacon Hubert Wernsmann (diocese of Münster) is the federal chaplain, Bettina Locklair is the federal manager. The association's office is located in Bad Honnef- Rhöndorf . The magazine of the movement appears there, LANDaktiv is the association magazine. The main publications are worksheets to support volunteers. But they are also used in the different communities on different occasions.

In most of the German dioceses there are diocesan associations. There is also a regional association for Bavaria.

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