Catholic Institute for Vocational Religious Education

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The Catholic Institute for Vocational Religious Education (KIBOR) is a project to research and further develop religious education at vocational schools .

The institute is funded by the German Bishops' Conference , the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart , the Ministry for Culture, Youth and Sport Baden-Württemberg and the University of Tübingen , among others . It's about the religious education to strengthen and religious values education in schools. The institute works in theory and practice and cooperates with the Evangelical Institute for Vocational Religious Education (EIBOR) , which is also located at the University of Tübingen.


The main tasks of the institute are:

  • Research on the further development of religious education in vocational schools
  • Creation of teaching materials for religious instruction
  • Networking of religious and professional education
  • Participation in relevant educational processes with those responsible in politics, society and the church
  • Concepts for the training and further education of teachers in the subject of Catholic religion

Research results are published in the series "gott Leben beruf".


Reinhold Boschki has been head of KIBOR since 2015, succeeding Albert Biesinger . Five team members and a secretary are employed by the institute. Two freelancers are also working on certain projects. The work is supported by several student assistants.

Current projects

Projects currently being pursued at KIBOR are:

  • Teaching research on "Religious Qualities in Religious Education at Vocational Schools"
  • Educational theoretical accompaniment of religious instruction at vocational schools
  • Ethical action in nursing
  • Teaching research on the topic of "Interreligious Competence Development"
  • Religious instruction in the vocational preparation year: "Strengthening strengths"
  • Evaluation of new organizational models for religious education

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