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Basic information
Reference year 2008
Board Zion Pat
Employee 450
bus 300
Kavim buses wait at the Kaplan Terminal near the Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva

Kavim is an Israeli bus company. It was established in 2000 and operates lines in the east of the Gush Dan region. In February 2005, Kavim expanded north where it started providing bus routes in Afula , Bet Shean and the Nazareth area . In 2006 further routes were planned in Petah Tikva and Rosh HaAyin . Many of the current bus routes were originally operated by Dan Bus .


Kavim's service has often been criticized, especially in Petah Tikva . In April 2008, Avi Blustein, a member of the city council, suggested setting up a committee to inspect Kavim's operations within the city. The company replied that Blustein had "damaged its reputation for political reasons".

In 2008, a Kavim driver was arrested for drug trafficking on his bus routes. In response, Kavim stated that this does not reflect the company or its drivers.

Individual evidence

  1. title = Kavim Moves to the Legal Approach | author = Hakmon, Alon | work = HaMkomon Petah Tikva, 470th Edition | page = 42 | date = 2008-04-16
  2. Ben-Zur, Raanan: Tel Aviv Bus Driver Suspected of Drug Dealing , Ynetnews . August 18, 2008. 

Web links

Commons : Kavim  - album with pictures, videos and audio files