Kawada Jun

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Kawada Jun ( Japanese 川田 順 ; born January 15, 1882 in Tokyo ; † January 22, 1966 ) was a Japanese business manager and poet.

Kawada studied political science at the University of Tokyo . In 1907 he joined the Sumitomo Group, where he rose to the post of management director until 1930. Already in his youth, Kawada dealt under the guidance of the poet Nobutsuna Sasaki with the Tanka gasket. While at Sumitomo, he was in charge of the Tanka section of the in-house magazine Seika and published his own collection of poems under the title Gigeiten .

After leaving Sumitomo in 1936, he became tanka teacher for the Japanese crown prince and selector for the New Year's poetry reading ceremony at the imperial court. In addition to poetry, he also wrote works on the poets Saigyo and Fujiwara no Sadaie (Fujiwara-no-Teika) and the autobiography Sumitomo Kaisoki . In 1943 he was awarded the Asahi Prize . He is buried in the cemetery of Tōkei-ji Temple in Kamakura.


Individual evidence

  1. 川田 順 . In: デ ジ タ ル 版 日本人 名 大 辞典 + Plus at kotobank.jp. Retrieved July 6, 2012 (Japanese).