Sasaki Nobutsuna

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Sasaki Nobutsuna

Sasaki Nobutsuna ( Japanese 佐佐木 信 綱 ; * July 8, 1872 in Suzuka ; † December 2, 1963 ) was a Japanese writer.


Sasaki was introduced to the basics of Tanka poetry as a child by his father, the writer Sasaki Hirotsuna . After completing his studies at the Imperial University of Tokyo , he devoted himself entirely to researching and writing waka poetry.

At the end of the 19th century he founded the literary group Chikuhaku Kai ( 竹柏 会 ; after the poet name of his father Chikuhaku), which published the magazine Kokoro no Hana ( 心 の 花 ) from 1898 . Here he published his ideas for Waka poetry and gave young poets such as Kawada Jun , Kinoshita Rigen and Katayama Hiroko impetus and a platform for the publication of their work.

Together with Masaoka Shiki and Yosano Tekkan he worked on a renewal of the tanka genre and in 1903 published his first own tanka collection Omoigusa ( 思 草 ). With his father he developed a comprehensive collection of medieval wakas and wrote a study on the oldest Japanese poetry collection Man'yōshū , for which he was awarded the Asahi Prize in 1930 . He published other waka collections such as Shingetsu ( 新月 ), Tokiwagi ( 常 盤 木 ) and Yama to Mizu to ( 山 と 水 と ).

Sasaki is one of the first to be awarded the newly created Order of Culture by the emperor in 1937.
