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Keren-Happuch is the youngest daughter of Job in the Book of Job in the Old Testament .


The Hebrew feminine personal name קֶרֶן הַפּוּךְ qæræn happûkh , German 'Keren Happuch' is one of the one-word names and translates as "eye make-up horn / make-up box". It is a genitive connection. Their defining word is the nounקֶרֶן qæræn , German for horn , means a vessel in the shape of a horn. Its basic word is the passive participleפּוּךְ pûkh , German for eyeshadow . The link is through the definite articleהַ ha , which is placed in front of the basic word.

The Septuagint gives the name with ἀμαλθείας κέρας amaltheias keras , which translated means "cornucopia", the Vulgate with Cornu stibii .

Biblical narration

Job has seven sons and three daughters at the beginning ( Hi 1,2  EU ). In the course of the temptation of Job by Satan, they die when the house of his firstborn son collapses over them, in which they are sitting together and eating ( Hi 1.18–19  EU ). God eventually ends temptations, turns Job's fortunes, and restores his wealth. Job also had seven sons and three daughters. The latter are named, they are called Jemima , Kezia and Keren-Happuch. They are called the most beautiful women in the country. She and her brothers inherit Job's property ( Hi 42.15  EU ).
