Core curriculum

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The core curriculum were the Ministry of Education, Youth and Culture of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia released to the of the Standing Conference authored educational standards for secondary education in 2003 for teaching in the subjects German , English and mathematics in primary schools , secondary schools , comprehensive schools and grammar schools in North Rhine-Westphalia. For the grammar school type , core curricula for the school subjects French and Latin from grade 5 onwards have also been published. Core curricula for other school subjects are in progress and can be viewed in advance in a "transparent workshop".

A single core curriculum relates to a subject at a certain type of school, for example the core curriculum for high school. Secondary level I in North Rhine-Westphalia. Math . In contrast to earlier curricula, the core curriculum does not list any learning content to be conveyed, but rather describes the level of competence to be achieved by the students at the end of the individual school years in the respective subject.

A core curriculum usually only contains the minimum requirements for students. Further content of the lesson is the responsibility of the individual school and the teacher. However, they should always be selected in such a way that they promote the competencies required in the core curriculum.

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