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The killo was a Turkish unit of mass (weight) for precious stones , gold and silver . It was a medicinal weight . The drachmas fluctuated in size, since gold was calculated at 24 kilos / carat to 4 gren and silver 100 kilos / carat at 4 gren to determine the fineness.

  • 1 kilo = 1/83 lot (Prussia = 16.667 grams ) = 0.20081 grams

The dimensional chain was

  • 1 Cheki / Cheki / Chequi = 100 Derhem / Drachma / Dramm = 1600 Killo / Kara / Carat = 6400 Grän = 25,600 Quart = 321.39 grams


  • Christian Noback, Friedrich Noback: coin, measure and weight book. The money, measure and bills of exchange, the rates, government papers, banks, trading establishments and customs of all countries and more important places. Volume 1, FA Brockhaus, Leipzig 1858, p. 340.

Individual evidence

  1. Jump up ↑ Carnation Breaker the Younger: The most important things about exchange rates, coinage and weights and measures. Julius Klinkhardt Publishing House, Leipzig 1863, p. 20.
  2. Fr. Silber: The coins, measures and weights of all countries in the world individually calculated according to their values ​​and relationships to all German coins, measures and weights. In addition to information on the trading venues and their billing relationships. Moritz Ruhl, Leipzig 1861, p. 182.