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Kipparsch is the outdated, but still in use in the Rhenish language , term for a sore rubbed spot ( wolf , intertrigo ) in the anal fold .

The word was already known in the Central German or Middle Low German language between 1340 and 1424 as kipars and was initially used in the cavalry , since inexperienced and insecure riders often tilt back and forth in the saddle and get sore after a while.

In some dialects of the Rhineland (mainly in the western part of North Rhine-Westphalia ) the term is still used in colloquial language and in a figurative sense. Known phrases include taking a Kipparsch work , to run a Kipparsch or look for a Kipparsch for tedious, often unnecessary or fruitless activities.


Individual evidence

  1. Friedrich L. Weigand: German Dictionary , Walter de Gruyter, 1968. P. 1037-1038 in the Google book search
  2. ^ Rolf-Bernhard Essig : Holy Shit! Everything about swearing and scolding. With illustrations by Papan. Aufbau Verlag, Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-352-00850-4 ( see 14. "You Brunzkachel, you oogsaachta! ... You Hämmorrhitenpritschn!" About the dialect and its drastic words , section About cheerful nature . The irritated Rhinelander in Google Book Search)