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Klachelsuppe (also Klachlsuppe ) is a culinary specialty of Styria and Carinthia , which is made from pork knuckle , roots and spices. The Klachelsuppe used to be especially prepared on slaughter days and served with Heidensterz in south-east Styria and also in the Carinthian Jauntal . The word "Klachel" is a regional Austrian name for the pork knuckle, the original meaning is Glockenschwengel.

The Klachelsuppe is to burn versprudelte soup of chopped pork and vegetables. It is usually made from sliced ​​pork knuckle and onion slices and spices such as bay leaves , juniper berries , peppercorns and cloves . The soup is also eaten with boiled potatoes , grated horseradish or billy bread.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Heinz Dieter Pohl : The Austrian kitchen language. A lexicon of typical Austrian culinary specialties (with linguistic explanations) . Praesens-Verlag, Vienna 2007, ISBN 3-7069-0452-7 , ( Studia interdisciplinaria Ænipontana 11), p. 88