Klaus Wenk

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Klaus Wenk (born March 24, 1927 in Hamburg ; †  September 22, 2006 ) was a German researcher on Thailand and is considered one of the most outstanding European experts on Southeast Asia .


In 1963, Wenk became a research assistant in the department for Thailand, Burma and Indochina at the University of Hamburg , and from 1970 he took over as professor for the cultures and languages ​​of Southeast Asia . He held this position until 1992. During this time, the institute's own library grew from 3,300 to more than 20,000 volumes.

His first independent publication dealt with metrics in Thai poetry. This was followed by numerous publications on the language and art of Thailand and Burma. With his publications, Wenk was able to open up the culture of Southeast Asia to a wider German audience. He later received an honorary doctorate from Silpakorn University in Bangkok.


  • The Restoration of Thailand under Rama I 1782-1809. Habilitation thesis, University of Hamburg, 1963; Translation: The Restoration of Thailand under Rama I, 1782–1809. University of Arizona Press, Tucson 1968.
  • Thai miniature paintings. After a handwriting of the Indian art department of the Staatliche Museen Berlin. Franz Steiner, Wiesbaden 1965.
  • Paintings from Pagan of the Late Period, 18th Century (= Murals in Burma. Vol. 1). Von Oppersdorff, Zurich 1977.
  • The literature of Thai. An overview. German-Thai Society, Bonn 1992, ISBN 3-923387-17-2 .

Web links

  • Thai Studies , website of the Asia-Africa Institute of the University of Hamburg