Little samurai

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The Little Samurai is an official sports badge of the German Karate Association for children between six and 14 years. Exercises appropriate to the age are done in order to reach one of three specified levels. However, the exercises only become more difficult in terms of age (and gender), but not with increasing level. The stickers received are then sewn onto the karate gi , and the test is entered in the karate pass under successes .

The steps

  • Kosho (= child samurai )
  • Wakato (= young samurai)
  • Jushi (= experienced samurai)


In order to obtain the first or another badge, the following exercises must be done:

Abs workout

The examinee lies on his back with his legs bent on a box, so that a position emerges that could be described as sitting on his back. Now the upper body (with outstretched arms) must be bent forward so that the hands are above the knees. This must be repeated four, five, seven or ten times with both arms on the left, on the right, and then on both sides, depending on age.

Back muscle training

To do this, lie down with the lower body (up to the hips) on a box and let the upper body hang down forwards. The task is to stretch yourself straight for three, four, five, or seven by ten seconds with your arms stretched on your sides.

Knee support

Lying knee support, also called female push-ups, work just like normal push-up , but you should be doing instead to his knees on the ball of the foot support; as many of them as possible must be made in one minute.

Jumping rope

This is the only exercise in which girls are required to perform better than boys. 14-year-old girls must manage at least 85 jumps , boys of the same age only at least 75 jumps in the 60 seconds. All variations of jumping are allowed, jumps that are not made must be repeated, but you can continue to count.

Japan run

The so-called Japan run is a zigzag run (or sprint ) in which five lines must be crossed in a certain order at the highest possible speed (the lines are, however, laid out in a zigzag (2, 1 | 4, 3, 5), i.e. hooks must also be tied.)

Endurance run

You have to run 600, 800 or 1000 meters in a certain time.


In order to participate in the little samurai, the following conditions must be met. One must:

  • were between 6 and 14 years old on January 1st of the current year,
  • Be a member of the DKV, i.e. H. you have a current annual visual stamp,
  • it must have been at least six months since the last small samurai exam.

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