Bodbe Monastery

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Bodbe Monastery

Bodbe Monastery ( georg. ბოდბის წმინდა გიორგის მონასტერი, bodbis ts'minda giorgis monasteri) is a monastery in the Georgian region of Kakheti , in the municipality of Sighnaghi . The women's monastery is 2 km from the small town of Sighnaghi in the Kakheti region. According to tradition, the monastery was built on the place where St. Nino was buried.

In 2018 the community numbered around 40 nuns.
A new church has been built on the site in recent years.

New Church
inner space

Web links

Commons : Bodbe Monastery, Sighnaghi  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 41 ° 33 '  N , 45 ° 52'  E

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Marie Arnaud, Jacques Debs: Monastères d'Europe - Les témoins de l'invisible . Arte Éditions, Issy-les-Moulineaux 2018, ISBN 978-2-7369-0316-9 , pp. 225 .