Rioseco Monastery

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Rioseco Cistercian Abbey
Condition of the facility in 2010
Condition of the facility in 2010
location SpainSpain Spain
Burgos Province
Coordinates: 42 ° 53 '37 "  N , 3 ° 38' 0"  W Coordinates: 42 ° 53 '37 "  N , 3 ° 38' 0"  W.
Serial number
according to Janauschek
founding year 1148
Year of dissolution /
Mother monastery Valbuena Monastery
Primary Abbey Morimond Monastery

Daughter monasteries


The Rioseco Monastery (Santa María de Rioseco; Rivus siccus) is a former Cistercian abbey in the municipality of Valle de Manzanedo around 70 km north of Burgos in the province of Burgos in Castile-León in Spain .


The monastery, founded in 1148 as the daughter of the Valbuena monastery from the filiation of the Morimond primary abbey , was moved to its permanent location in 1236. The monastery grew stronger in the late Middle Ages, but later got into a crisis. It also suffered from the Wars of Liberation in 1808 and 1809. In 1820 it was occupied by the commissioners of the revolutionary government and part of its property was sold. It was dissolved in 1835 under the government of Juan Álvarez Mendizábal . As a result, the monastery was used as a warehouse, parish church and cemetery. As a result, the facility fell into disrepair.

Buildings and plant

Various buildings in the complex have been preserved in ruin. The walls of the church are still standing. The cloister is created in the Herrera style .


  • Cardiñanos Bardeci, Inocencio: El monasterio cisterciense de Santa María de Rioseco. Historia y Cartulario , Villarcayo, 2002, ISBN 84-95548-03-8 ;
  • García Sainz de Baranda, Julián: Fuentes para la historia de Castilla. El Monasterio de monjes Bernardos de Santa María de Rioseco y su cartulario , Boletín Corporativo de la Academia Burguense nº 153-168 (1960-1967);
  • González, Hipolito: Un famoso monasterio cisterciense burgalés olvidado: Santa María de Rioseco , Cistercium, 1964;
  • López Mata, Teófilo: El monasterio de Santa María de Rioseco , Boletín Corporativo de la Academia Burguense nº 113, 1950;
  • Saenz Terreros, María Victoria: El Monasterio de Santa María de Rioseco , Boletín Corporativo de la Academia Burguensenº 193, 1979.
  • Bernard Peugniez: Le Guide Routier de l'Europe Cistercienne . Editions du Signe, Strasbourg 2012, p. 816.

Web links