Coherent sheaf

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In the mathematical sub-areas of algebraic geometry and complex analysis , coherent sheaves are the analog of finitely generated modules over Noetherian rings .


It is a small space , i.e. H. a topological space together with a sheaf of rings . Then a - module sheaf is called coherent , if

  1. is finitely generated, d. H. each point of has an open environment on which a surjection exists, and
  2. for every open subset of and every morphism the kernel is finitely generated


a short exact sequence of modular sheaves, and if two of the three sheaves are coherent, so is the third.
  • The bearer of a coherent sheaf is complete. (This applies more generally to any finitely generated module sheaves.)

Coherent sheaves in algebraic geometry

Coherent sheaves in complex analysis

  • Oka's coherence theorem : In contrast to algebraic geometry, the fact that it is itself coherent is not trivial.
  • Direct images and higher direct images of coherent sheaves under actual holomorphic images are coherent.
