Scheme (algebraic geometry)

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Classical algebraic geometry deals with subsets of affine or projective space that arise as zero sets of finitely many polynomials ( algebraic varieties ). The geometric objects are therefore solution sets of algebraic systems of equations. The term scheme is motivated by considering not only solutions in a fixed algebraically closed field , but solutions in arbitrary rings , and at the same time. As an example, consider the equation . It has above or no solutions, in or against each two; the solutions in are of course the pictures of the solutions in . These data together result in a functor (rings) → (sets), which gives a ring the set

which assigns solutions or points . This functor can be represented ; i.e., there is a ring so that

applies. denotes the set of ring homomorphisms ; In our example it turns out that the point functors for classical algebraic varieties can be represented (over the category of rings or k -algebras) if the varieties are affine. If the term scheme is to be the broadest possible generalization of the term variety, then an affine scheme is nothing more than a ring (at least from a categorical point of view), and the general term “scheme” should be understood in such a way that all varieties can be represented in the Category of schemes are.

Since it is not easily possible to generalize the concept of the ring appropriately, the term scheme is based instead on the spectrum of a ring . The construction of the spectrum is a (contravariant) true embedding of the category of the rings in the category of the smallest spaces, i.e. the topological spaces together with a sheaf of rings, and the essential part of the definition of a scheme consists only in finding the "correct" Select sub-category.


A scheme is a locally small space that is locally isomorphic to the spectrum of a ring . If a scheme is globally isomorphic to the spectrum of a ring, it is said to be affine .

More detailed:
The spectrum of a ring is the set of all
prime ideals in , in signs


The closed sets of are by definition the sets of the form

for an ideal . The topology of the room defined in this way is also called the Zariski topology for historical reasons . By definition, the structural structure of assigns the ring of rational functions to every Zariski-open set . A small space is by definition a pair of a topological space and a sheaf of rings . A local small space is a small space for which the stalks of are local rings , i.e. H. have a clear maximum ideal. In particular, the spectrum of a ring with its structural grain is a locally small area. An affine scheme is by definition a locally small space that is isomorphic to the spectrum of a ring. A schema is a locally small space that can be covered by open sets , so that the restriction is an affine schema for all .

Properties of schemes

Schemes can have numerous special properties, some of which are discussed below.

Related schemes. A schema is called connected if the underlying topological space is connected.

Quasi-compact schemes. A schema is called quasi-compact if the underlying topological space is quasi-compact.

Irreducible schemes. A schema is called irreducible if the underlying topological space is irreducible, that is, it is not empty and not the union of two different closed subsets.

Noetherian schemes. A scheme is called locally Noetherian if it has an open affine cover such that the (affine) rings are all Noetherian. If it is also quasi-compact, it is called noetherian .

Reduced schemes. A scheme is called reduced if the local rings are reduced for all .

Whole schemes. A scheme is called whole if it is reduced and irreducible. One can show that this is equivalent to saying that for every open subset the ring is zero-divisor-free. Furthermore, in an entire scheme, all stalks are zero-divisor-free, but the reverse generally does not have to apply.

Normal schemes. Be a scheme. Then it is normal at one point if the stalk is completely closed over its quotient body. A scheme is called normal , if it is normal in every point, compare also normal variety .

Regular schemes. Be a Noetherian scheme. A point is then called regular if the stalk is regular. The scheme is called regular if every point in is regular.

Schema morphisms

Schemas form a category . A schema morphism is a morphism of locally small spaces between schemas.

More precisely: Be and locally small spaces. A morphism between them, a pair consisting of a continuous mapping and a Ringgarbenhomomorphismus possesses the following property: for each point of the of is induced homomorphism between local rings locally , d. H. leads the maximum ideal of into the maximum ideal of over.

Note: If a sheaf is generally open , the so-called direct image is referred to below . It is given by the data collection and defines a sheaf .

Separate schemes

As can be shown, a topological space is separated in the topological sense (i.e. Hausdorffsch ) if and only if the diagonal is closed in (with regard to the product topology). The concept of the separation of schemata is based on this fact.

A schema morphism is called separated if the associated diagonal morphism is a closed immersion. A schema is called separated if the canonical schema morphism is separated.

Variations of terms

In the original version, Alexander Grothendieck called the objects defined above pre-schemas and assumed that the term schema was still separate. In the second edition of the first chapter of the Éléments de géométrie algébrique , however, he changed the terminology to that commonly used today.

A generalization of the concept of schemes was proposed by Shinichi Mochizuki in his work on the abc conjecture in 2012 .


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