Koie book

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The Koie Book or Cows Book is an old Yiddish collection of fables published by Abraham ben Mattatijah bat Sheva in Verona in 1595 and represents an important work of Yiddish literature .

The book

The book has 67 pages, two of which have been lost (pages 26 and 27). Part of the text is also missing on the back of sheet 31 due to damage. The two missing leaves were replaced with leaves from Sefer Meshalim . 81 original and two woodcuts by Sefer Meshalim illustrate the book.

The title

Moshe N. Rosenfeld found the work, which had long been considered missing, in a private library. As he states in his explanation of the facsimile edition, he believes that the title of the work comes from a comparable fabulous work of non-Jewish origin. He does not provide any proof of this. Up to this point in time, nothing more was known of the work than its mention in bibliographies , of which the oldest known entry dates from 1680 . Shabbetai Bass recorded it as "Ku 'Buk" in his work Shiftei Jeshenim . This entry was included in all later bibliographies as no one was likely to have a copy of the original. So the error of reading the place of publication “Wern” as “Bern” instead of correctly as “Verona” could not be improved.

Comparison with the Sefer Meshalim

The stories of the cows book correspond to those of Sefer Meshalim as follows:

Koie Buk history Sefer Meshalim
1. story Dog loses its piece of meat 3rd story
2nd story Monkey and two children 4th story
3rd story A fox and a stork 1. story
4th story A raven and a piece of cheese 2nd story
5th story A priest ... 5th story
6. story A young and strong lion 6. story
7th story Crow and peacock 7th story
8th story A rooster says to hen 8th story
9. History City mouse and big house 9. History
10. story An old, sick lion 10. story
11. story An old miller wanted to die 11. story
12th story A man went to sow hemp 12th story
13. story A cat and a lot of mice 13. story
14. story A lion dies 14. story
15. story A man has a good ass 15. story
16. story A lion was sleeping in a forest 16. story
17th story A wolf sits in court 17th story
is missing replaced by Pagina in the Sefer Meshalim 18th story
is missing replaced by Pagina in the Sefer Meshalim 19th story
20th story A black raven 20th story
21. story A man has a donkey in his stable 21. story
22. story A gentleman and his dog 22. story
23. History * A Jew who wanted to cross the field 23rd story
24. story Lord and Partridge 24. story
25. story Thief and dog 25. story
26th story The farmer 26th story
27. story The writer 27. story
28. story Farmer and donkey 28. story
29. story Shepherd, weasel and mouse 29. story
30. story Farmer, dog and cow 30. story
31. story Old man and merchants 31. story
32nd story History in England 32nd story
33rd story The host 33rd story
34th story The rich and the poor 34th story
35th story The king 35th story
36th story The donkey mocks a horse 36th story
37th story Thorn and fir tree

Note: * partially lost due to damage to sheet 31

Comparison of the woodcuts

The woodcuts of Koie Buk and Sefer Meshalim illustrating the fables are not identical, but they are very similar. It seems that Moshe b'r Eliezer Wallich modeled the woodcuts in his work on those of Koie Buk . In comparison, his cuts are all mirror-inverted.


Even if the stories and woodcuts of both works are similar, one can speak of two different works. In the fifth story of the Koie Buk there is talk of a "Pfaff". The Sefer Meshalim simply speaks of a man. The tenth story speaks of the priest's blessing (P.15, recto), while Wallich only speaks of the blessing in general (P.13, verso). Moshe b'r Wallich has also corrected mistakes. In Koie Buk, for example, the woodcuts of the 23rd and 22nd story are swapped. In Sefer Meshalim this is corrected. Towards the end, Mattitja Bat Sheva wants the reader to know "another game", which is missing in the Sefer Meshalim .