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Flirtatious , painting by Franz Russ at the end of the 19th century

Koketterie ( French : coquetterie ) describes a vain or complacent behavior or being. The term was derived from the adjective coquettish 'complacent', which describes someone "of a vain and complacent nature" who seeks to "attract and please others". In French coquet it literally means 'rooster-like, vain as a rooster'. According to the dictionary, the verb to flirt denotes an attention-generating behavior “in order to arouse erotic interest in someone”, in order to “only [to] play with something; not really getting involved ”or to“ point out something in connection with oneself in order to make yourself interesting ”.

Etymology and history of words

The adjective coquettish is derived from the French coquet 'little cock' and, figuratively , denotes the "behavior of a person who wants to please a person of the opposite sex"; it was borrowed into the German language in the 17th century . Even earlier, at the beginning of the 17th century, the corresponding noun Kokette (French: coquette ) for a 'complacent woman' is attested. The loans flirtatious and flirtatious date from the 18th century and go back essentially to the influence of Jean Jacques Rousseau and his criticism of flirtatiousness . Also belonging to the French coq 'cock' is the diminutive derivative of the French cocotte 'chicken, chicken', then 'well-behaved, gallant young girl', on whose derogatory use 'complacent, frivolous girl' is based, as well as the borrowing cocotte for '(elegant ) Whore, Halbweltdame 'in the 19th century. Therefore, the expression was often associated with female behavior, from which coquette for 'complacent woman' and the related root word cocotte for a prostitute (French cocotte , in children's language 'hen', 'chicken' in French coq 'cock'). More commonly called an elegant demimondaine ( demi-mondaine ) "loose morals opinion" with.

Flirtatiousness therefore had a negative connotation, according to the Damen Conversations Lexicon from 1836:

“Coquetry is false grace [...]. It is a lie to the soul what makeup is to the face; both only attract a stupid eye. Coquetry is a polyp of the heart; cut up, apparently destroyed a thousand times, it grows again until it destroys it. Coquetry is a minor suicide. The poison of hypocrisy works backwards; its inevitable result is self-destruction. In smaller doses - it acts like opium; it excites, heats up, inflames, inspires the fight against everything hostile, but - it is followed by slackening, emptiness of mind, disgust. "

- Damen Conversations Lexikon, Volume 6. [oO] 1836, pp. 178-179.

Georg Simmel dedicated a separate chapter to coquetry in his work Philosophical Culture in 1911; it is a means of power used by women against men who are socially superior according to norms and laws. He wrote, "If you translate coquetry as 'lust for pleasure', you confuse the means to an end with the drive to this end," he continued:

“By taking up this 'half-veiledness' of the woman, which expresses her deepest relation to the man, with pointed consciousness, the coquetry of course degrades the ultimate, metaphysical basis of the relationship to a mere means of its external realization; but this nevertheless explains - why coquetry is by no means an 'art of prostitution' - so little that the hetarian as well as the most unspiritual-sensual woman are by no means the most coquettish - and that men, on whom any mere external seduction has no effect whatsoever, consciously surrender to the charm of coquetry and with the feeling that it does not degrade either their subject or their object. "

- Georg Simmel in: Die Koketterie aus Philosophische Kultur, Alfred Kröner Verlag Leipzig, 1919 (2nd edition), pp. 95-115.

Individual evidence

  1. Koketterie on, accessed on February 28, 2012
  2. kokett in, accessed on February 28, 2012
  3. kokettieren ,, accessed on February 28, 2012
  4. ^ Le Petit Robert (3rd edition), Dictionnaires de Robert, Paris (2003), page 548
  5. ^ Meyers Konversationslexikon, Volume 10 (5th edition), Bibliographisches institut, Leipzig and Vienna (1896), page 349
  6. Burkhard Meyer-Sickendiek : Female coquetry: On the effectiveness of Rousseau in the storm and stress, in: Between variety and imagination. Practices of the Jean-Jacques Rousseau reception, ed. v. Jesko Reiling and Daniel Tröhler, Geneva 2013, pp. 101–120.
  7. ^ Etymological dictionary of German according to Pfeifer, online at DWDS , accessed on February 28, 2012
  8. online at , accessed on February 28, 2012
  9. online ( Memento of the original from July 4, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. at, accessed on February 28, 2012 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

Web links

Wiktionary: Coquetry  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations