Kokkoka (nickname)

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Kokkoka ( ancient Greek Κοκκώκα ) is an epicle of the Greek goddess Artemis , with whom she was worshiped in the sanctuary of Zeus in Olympia .

Pausanias reports of seven altars of Artemis in Olympia, at which monthly sacrifices were made. The sixth of these was the altar of Artemis Kokkoka. In the chronological order of the sacrifices held, it is named between an altar of an Apollo without an epithet and one of Apollo Thermios . The meaning of the epiclesis was already unclear to Pausanias and has not yet been clarified.



  1. ^ Pausanias 5:15 , 7.
  2. Jon D. Mikalson: Ancient Greek Religion. 2nd edition. John Wiley & Sons, Chicester 2009, ISBN 978-1-4051-8177-8 , p. 109.