Colombian tie

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The Colombian tie (Spanish: corte corbata ), sometimes referred to as the Mexican or Sicilian tie , is a method of execution and torture .

The victim's throat is cut open horizontally in the area of ​​the larynx and his tongue is pulled down through this cut so that it hangs out below the chin. To do this, the tongue is loosened and pulled out with the esophagus (see Lecker and Drossel when breaking open game).

Journalistic, scientific and literary reports indicate that the Colombian tie was a common method of execution during La Violencia in Colombia .

Popular culture

A representation of the Colombian tie can be found in the television series Hannibal in episode 11 of the first season. The figure of Dr. Gideon kills a doctor this way. Another mention of the Colombian tie can be found in the series Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul , each in episode two of the first season. She is also mentioned in the feature film Precious Cargo . In the third season of Z Nation , episode 12 depicts a Colombian tie.


  • James L. Zackrison: La Violencia in Colombia: An Anomaly in Terrorism . In: University of New Brunswick (Ed.): Conflict Quarterly . New Brunswick, Canada, S. 9 (English, [PDF; accessed on January 9, 2017]).