Combination set from Maskit

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The combined set of Maskit is a theorem from the mathematical field of Klein groups .

It gives conditions for the constructibility of discrete groups of hyperbolic isometries as amalgamated products or HNN extensions.

It generalizes Klein's combination theorem and is therefore sometimes referred to as the Klein-Maskit combination theorem.

First combination set

Let small groups be such that it is a quasi-fox group . Be the two connected components of the complement of the limit set

and be


Then the subgroup created by and is a discrete group and is isomorphic to the amalgamated product


Second combination set

Let be a Klein group and be quasi-Fuchs groups, which stabilize two different connected components of the discontinuity area . Be so

induced an isomorphism from to and

Then the subgroup created by and is a discrete group and is isomorphic to the HNN extension

