HNN extension

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In mathematics , the HNN extension is a construction from group theory . The theory of HNN extensions is fundamental in the combinatorial and geometrical study of groups. HNN extensions and amalgamated products form the basis of the Bass-Serre theory . They were introduced by Graham Higman , Bernhard Neumann and Hanna Neumann in 1949 in the article "Embedding Theorems for Groups", where some basic properties were also proven.

An HNN extension is an inclusion of a given group in another group , so that a given isomorphism of two subgroups and of in is realized by conjugation with an element .

In this case one speaks of an HNN extension above the group , and one speaks of a nontrivial HNN extension if is.


Let a group , two subgroups and an isomorphism be given .

If the presentation has then the HNN extension of is defined by the following presentation:

Because the group contains the generators and relations of , it is clear that there is a canonical homomorphism from to . Higman, Neumann and Neumann proved that this morphism is injective.

Britton's normal forms and lemma

It is often useful for calculations to be able to bring elements of into a normal form. This normal form is not unique, Britton's lemma describes exactly when two normal forms correspond to the same element.

Normal form :

Each element can be written as:

Britton's lemma, proven in 1963 in "The word problem", offers a way of describing the nontrivial elements of an HNN extension:

Britton's lemma : Let be in the above normal form such that

  • either and ,
  • or and in w there are no subwords of the form with or with ,

then is in .


Let be a group and its HNN extension using an isomorphism of two subgroups.

  • If countable , then too .
  • If it is finally generated , then too .
  • If there is no torsion , then too .

Topological interpretation

Let it be a connected space with two connected subsets for which there is a homeomorphism . We define through an equivalence relation


and denote with the quotient space of this equivalence relation. Then the fundamental group of is an HNN extension of the fundamental group of .

More precisely: be a base point, and for base points choose ways from or to and corresponding identifications of with subgroups . Homeomorphism induces an isomorphism and thus an isomorphism . Then


The proof uses Seifert and van Kampen's theorem .

Bass Serre Theory

The HNN extension can be interpreted as a fundamental group of the group graph with a corner v and an edge e, edge group , corner group and monomorphisms

given by and .


  • Zieschang, H .; Vogt, E .; Coldewey, H.-D .: Areas and plane discontinuous groups. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 122 Springer-Verlag, Berlin-New York 1970
  • Jean-Pierre Serre: Arbres, amalgames, SL 2 . Avec un sommaire anglais. Rédigé avec la collaboration de Hyman Bass. Astérisque, No. 46. ​​Société Mathématique de France, Paris, 1977. (Chapter 1.4)
  • Stocker, Ralph; Zieschang, Heiner: Algebraic Topology. An introduction. Second edition. Math guides. BG Teubner, Stuttgart, 1994. ISBN 3-519-12226-X
  • Scott, Peter; Wall, Terry: Topological methods in group theory. Homological group theory (Proc. Sympos., Durham, 1977), pp. 137-203, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser., 36, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge-New York, 1979. ( online )
  • Stillwell, John: Geometry of surfaces. Corrected reprint of the 1992 original. University text. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1992. ISBN 0-387-97743-0 (Chapter 9.2.2)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Higman, Graham; Neumann, BH; Neumann, Hanna: Embedding theorems for groups. J. London Math. Soc. 24, (1949). 247-254.
  2. ^ Britton, John L .: The word problem. Ann. of Math. (2) 77 (1963) 16-32.