Commensurability (quantum mechanics)

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In quantum mechanics , two observables are called commensurable if they can be measured simultaneously with any precision. Observables that cannot be measured with any precision at the same time are called incommensurable . Two observables are commensurable if and only if the commutator of the associated operator vanishes.

Incommensurable observables whose commutator takes on the value are called complementary observables .


According to the (generalized) Heisenberg uncertainty principle, the following applies to two operators and a state for their measurement uncertainties or in the state :

It follows from for any state .

On the other hand, it follows that there is a set of common eigenstates for the operators and . By measuring one of the two variables , the state collapses to the corresponding eigenstate and is already in an eigenstate of the second operator, so that a measurement of the other variable does not change the system again.


  • The position and momentum of a particle in the same spatial direction are incommensurable and complementary, because the following applies:
  • Various components of angular momentum are incommensurable, but not complementary, because the following applies:
  • Energy and momentum are commensurate, because the following applies:


  • Torsten Fließbach: Quantum Mechanics . 4th edition. Spektrum, Munich 2005, ISBN 3-8274-1589-6 , pp. 115 .