Commentary on the Lithuanian Criminal Procedure Code

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The commentary of the Lithuanian Criminal Procedure Code (lit.Lietuvos Respublikos baudžiamojo proceso kodekso komentaras ) is the only legal commentary on the new Lithuanian Criminal Procedure Code ( Baudžiamojo proceso kodeksas ) from 2002 for the Republic of Lithuania . The individual articles of the code are quoted and interpreted. The practice of Konstitucinis Teismas , Lietuvos Aukščiausiasis Teismas and the Court of Human Rights is also covered. The commentary is part of secondary academic legal literature. It was published in 2003 by the specialist publisher " Teisinės informacijos centras ".


Individual evidence

  1. KOMITETO IŠVADA Baudžiamojo proceso kodekso 208 ir 209 straipsnių pakeitimo įstatymo projektui ( Legal Committee , Seimas )